Tuesday, August 31, 2010

2 Years

Catherine, Me, and Christina
Two years ago (well from Friday) will be the anniversary of my mother's death. I love her dearly and miss her more and more each day.. If that is even possible! I find myself this week trying to stay supper busy. I know, how can a Coleman put anymore on their plate? I am constantly on the go and even went to workout this morning at 5:30 and will not stop till about 9:00 tonight when I get out of a meeting.

As a more down to earth update on the family. Catherine is loving school and I went home last weekend and saw her for the first Corinth Football game. Dad is coaching and staying super busy. They lost their first game 13-6 put played really well, if I might say so myself. Christina is super busy and we never see each other and when I mean never, I mean NEVER!

As for this weekend, well... I will be cheering my Bulldogs on for their first game. I am so excited and this means that my favorite time of the year has started. Yes.. you can tell that I am a coaches daughter but what can I say, I love it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Christina's Post

Christina and Jay (My other sister)
So... As I starting thinking today, Christina brought it to my attention that she has not been mentioned at all in any of my three post that I have done. Christina.. this one is for you!

This is a picture of Christina and her friend Jay when they did the Powder Puff Football Tournament. I love Christina and we have recently moved in together. We have had one major fight well.. maybe two since we moved in together. We are complete opposites and trust me if you have ever hung out with us you know this. We are a good balance though and work extremely well together. Last night as I was going through all the plans I hope to accomplish in this year she was making fun of me because I was so into it.

I have decided that as my year long campaign comes to a close next summer, I will do the Avon Walk for a Cure. I am thinking Chicago June 4-5th 2011. On June 4th I will walk a marathon 26.2 miles and finish up with a half marathon on Sunday with 13.1. This events makes me very excited and eager to make sure I complete my year long campaign.

Powder Puff Football

Catherine and the juniors
So, since I am writing a Blog about Breast Cancer and my year long journey, why not include everything. Right? We will see how well this last statement goes but I thought I should talk about the benefit that is held in memorial for my mother every year at Corinth. It is a local powder puff football tournament between the class at Catherine's high school. Catherine is now a junior and I have included a picture of her with some of her friends. The tournament raises money every year to fund the local scholarship given in honor of my mother in May. We had enough money raised last year to give out the first scholarship to a young man that I think was very qualified.

All this being said.. I am overwhelmed by all the comments, thoughts, prayers, etc. I have received about what I am doing. I love my mom and each and every day I am more and more thankful for the wonderful 21 years I got to spend with her. I am not going to say that each day gets easier and easier. Everybody that has lost somebody knows that you have good days and you have bad. I just feel that God has now put me in a place to be able to take the sorrow and joy and put it into something for the greater good.

I am super excited about this year long journey and the more I think about it, the more excited I get. I know that there are very tough times ahead as well as time of joy. This being said I know that God will put in a place to meet so many special people that have been effected by this terrible disease.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lots of Free Time

So, I am sitting at work (I work at Mississippi State in Athletic Academics) if my boss knew what Blogging was he would be really mad at me, but I have completed all my work for the day so I figured I would give a link/photo/description or all about the first three events I hope to achieve.

First of all... October 2nd - Pink Heels Tour

I have given the link if you would like to find out what more they do:
Pink Heels Tour

The second event will be the New Orleans Saints "Think Pink" Game

I will be driving most of the night to be there for the 12:00 pm game!

The last event is October 23rd, and one I can't wait to do!!!
RACE FOR THE CURE - Tupelo, Mississippi

And most importantly I have given the link for you to register
You can either register as a racer or a Sleep for the Cure (simply where you just make a donation and get the race for the cure tshirt sent to you!

Please help out and do your part to prevent breast cancer!!

The Email that Changed it all...

The family for my H.S. Graduation in 2005
Today, while headed home from work for lunch, I received an email from the Zeta Tau Alpha General Advisor here at Mississippi State. Some of you may not know but I was a Zeta while at UNA. It helped me achieve some of my greatest fears while also making me want to walk away and not having anything to do with it at the same time. Well... I am now the membership advisor to a wonderful chapter. I enjoy spending time with these wonderful girls and also have gotten through some tough days (many of which they have no idea) because of them.

I was looking for something to my Mothers two year anniversary of her death (this will be September 3rd).  Something that would make a difference, something that will actually help with this horrible disease that took my mother's life (She died from Breast Cancer after a 11 year battle). Isn't it amazing how God puts things right in front of you when you ask. He did just this today. I received an email from Jennifer, the GA, and it hit me. I am going to do a year long campaign doing everything I can possible do to help with Breast Cancer Awareness and Education. In doing this I will help educate and make the Gamma Zeta (local Zeta chapter here) Girls help me along the way. I will get the girls to go with me or support me in helping make things for the event. This will be an awesome way for me to help achieve my goal while letting them benefit OUR philanthropy, Breast Cancer Awareness and Education.

So first on the list is.....
The Pink Heels Tour - October 2nd -  Starkville, Mississippi
New Orleans Saints Think Pink Game - October 3rd - New Orleans, LA
*Lauren better get ready to drive all night so we can make both!!!
Race for the Cure - October 23rd - Tupelo, Mississippi

Throw in a couple of Mississippi State Think Pink Games with Volleyball and Soccer and a couple of local events and It will be a fun filled September and October!